
Install Python3

Install Python 3 and pip3 on your specific machine. You can choose to run the integration on an AWS EC2 instance or on a local Linux machine. Skip to Verify install if you already have these installed.

  1. From the AWS EC2 console launch a new instance. We recommend you use Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS (HVM), SSD Volume Type

  2. Connect to the EC2 Instance using SSH

    ssh -i "<user-private-key-file.pem>" ubuntu@<instance-public-DNS>
  3. Update the package list

    sudo apt update
  4. Install Python 3 and pip3 packages

    sudo apt install python3
    sudo apt install python3-pip

Verify install

Make sure that Python3 and Pip3 were installed correctly

python3 --version
pip3 --version

Last updated