Run UniquID integration
Install Node.js
Node.js is needed to run UniquID deployment to AWS
Then, test to see if version 8.x
is installed
Deploy to AWS
Run the command to start integration of the UniquID system with the Amazon AWS IoT Hub:
You should respond yes to all the questions. Please accept the default options if you have no reason to change them.
Wait for the AWS-IOT-UNIQUID-AUTHORIZER device to appear in the list of devices. You can check it with this command:
To see a formatted output you can run
You can view events and actions from the UniquID IAM system in realtime by using the log command
You are now ready to create a virtual device which demonstrates how an IoT device can be integrated with the AWS IoT Core and the UniquID IAM system. If you prefer, you can now jump ahead and integrate a real IoT hardware device with the Uniquid IAM system.
Last updated