Digi Board

This demo demonstrates the Uniquid Identity and Access Management SDK using the uidcore-c library on ConnectCore 6UL SBC Express Digi board.


  • Ubuntu 14.04+ with standard development tools

  • cmake to compile new firmware

  • Digi ConnectCore 6UL SBC Express with internet connection (link)

  • some software packages from digi.com (next steps)

  • libcurl

  • libpthread (usually already installed)

You will need two files created when you run the uniquid deploy aws command. You can choose tu run the below steps in the same environment of the deploy or you will need to copy these two files on your development environment running command:

scp -i <user-key-pair.pem> ubuntu@<ec2-instance-ip-address>:/aws_device_cfg.json .
scp -i <user-key-pair.pem> ubuntu@<ec2-instance-ip-address>:/caChain-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.crt .

Install Prerequisites

Install these packages on your machine

sudo apt install cmake
sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev

Setup of the board

Setup of Development Environment

  1. download the toolchain installer from the Digi support page

    wget ftp://ftp1.digi.com/support/digiembeddedyocto/2.4/r1/sdk/ccimx6ulstarter/fb/dey-glibc-x86_64-core-image-base-cortexa7hf-neon-toolchain-2.4-r1.sh
  2. give execution permission to the installer

    chmod +x dey-glibc-x86_64-core-image-base-cortexa7hf-neon-toolchain-2.4-r1.sh
  3. install the toolchain on your host PC

  4. source the environment setup script, run this command each time you wish to use the SDK in a new shell session

    . /opt/dey/2.4-r1/environment-setup-cortexa7hf-neon-dey-linux-gnueabi

Download and build the demo source code on host PC

  1. clone the demo repo two options:

    1. git clone https://github.com/uniquid/dev-demos.git
    2. git clone git@github.com:uniquid/dev-demos.git
  2. change directory

    cd dev-demos/DIGI-CC-6UL-SBC-Express
  3. download and patch the dependancy

    make clone_repo
  4. build the project, the binaries created by this command will be put on the bin directory


make sure that the environment setup script has been sourced

Transfer the executables on the board

  1. power on the board using the provided USB cable

  2. connect to the board using a serial terminal emulator (115200N81) or ssh

  3. create the demo directory under /home/root

    cd /home/root
    mkdir demo
  4. transfer all the content of the bin directory from the host PC to the /home/root/demo directory on the board using scp

    cd dev-demos/DIGI-CC-6UL-SBC-Express
    scp -r bin/* root@<ipaddress>:~/demo

Copy certificate and configuration files

Copy in the demo directory the configuration file (aws_device_cfg.json) and the root CA for the mqtt broker (caChain-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.crt) from your host PC to the board:

cd path/of/files
scp aws_device_cfg.json root@<ipaddress>:~/demo
scp caChain-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.crt root@<ipaddress>:~/demo/rootCA.crt

both these files has been generated by the uniquid deploy aws command you run some steps ago.


  1. connect to the board over terminal emulator or ssh and go to the demo directory

    cd /home/root/demo
  2. run the demo

    ./S99uniquid-demo start

    if you want to run the demo at the board boot copy the above script into the /etc/rc5.d directory

    cp /home/root/demo/S99uniquid-demo /etc/rc5.d
  3. you can check the log running tail command

    tail -f /var/log/uniquid-demo
  4. to allow the board to publish the led status on aws IoT you have to create a contract between the board (user) and the authorizer (provider)

  5. check here for published messages (please note that the link provided is for the us-east-2 AWS region, you may need to switch to the one you have defined on aws configure)

  6. you can use the button on the board to switch on/off the led status

Last updated