Install UniquID CLI

Update Python

Make sure you're running Python 3+ and pip3. For setup instructions, see:

Install package from pip3

sudo pip3 install uniquid

For more details on the uniquid package, click here

Verify version

Make sure uniquid CLI client has been installed and is on the latest stable version

uniquid --version

Configure CLI

Navigate to directory where you downloaded the credentials.json file

cd /path/to/file/

The step below is only required if you installed UniquID CLI on an AWS EC2 instance. Otherwise, click here to skip this step.

You must upload your credentials to your EC2 instance. There are 2 options for this:

Option 1 - Use scp to copy the UniquID credentials file from your development machine to the EC2 instance:

scp -i <user-key-pair.pem> credentials.json ubuntu@<ec2-instance-ip-address>:.

Option 2 - Cut and paste the contents of the UniquID credentials file after you SSH into the instance:

cat > ~/credentials.json
--paste the content of the file--
press <enter> press CTRL D

Check login

Login to UniquID with the credentials.json file and check the status

uniquid login --credentials-file ~/credentials.json
uniquid status --verbose

Last updated