Below are listed all packages that you can use to experiment the UniquID Blast platform. This page is coinitnous improvment. Keep in mind.
Android Mobile Orchestrator [apk]
Is the Android package need to run the UniquID orchestrator and dashboard. Please download and install on your phone. The phone and the dashboard must be in hte same network. For settings setup the parameters following the address of your own architecture. If you use dev-in-a-box tool please remember to use the network address of the host machine.
Android Mobile Tank Manager [apk]
Is the package to perform the Tank Manager that can help you to perform the complete tour of the UniquID capabilities provided to the Tank Example.
Dev-in-a-box Tool [github]
Dev-a-box is a repository that allow you to create your own UniquID infrastructure for development only You can install it going to the repository link and following the instruction on Readme. All components are installed on your machine as Docker container. The blockchain and the peers remain tha main uniquid development blockchain infrastructure so you can use your own architecture without computational cost for a private blockchain.
Important Notice
This page sitll in continous update. Please keep in mind it and be carefull twith change.
For that you can contact your direct reference on UniquID team.
Last updated